Meet the Snow-Warren family!

I love these new bunnies, who are a second hand gift from my mum. I used a mix of spare clothes, some of which are Forest Families, to clothe them.

Father Clarence lives with his three children, Sophie, Simon and Josie, and his parents, Gordon and Rosemary. Since losing his wife a year ago, it's great to have help and their new home is filling up with love again. Clarence has always loved travel, and so buying the caravan was a dream come true. Foxbridge village lacked a campsite, and this is where this bunny's business head came into its own. Clarence set up "Sunflower Camp Site," after his wife's favourite flowers, and now, four other families live on site- the Darwin family, Dale family, West mice and Sweetbriar mice. The children love to play together in the evenings.

Today, the Snow-Warren family show us around their new home. Gordon loves cooking from nature, and today is teaching Sophie how to make nettle soup with plants gathered on the way home from school.

Rosemary tidies the living room before heading out for a meeting with her friends. Foxbridge has welcomed a lot of grandparents lately, and they love spending time together. Rosemary is sure she has the best grandchildren anyone could wish for, although she would never risk offending her friends by saying this out loud.

Simon is very musical- he and Rusty Wildwood are planning to sing carols together this winter. He is teaching Josie a little tune on the piano. It's a little small for him now, but luckily he prefers to sing and play the drums at school.

Clarence checks the water supply while tidying the bathroom- he's always been very tidy, since he was Josie's age, and so Sunflowers is always immaculate for the residents.

Sophie wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She practices for giving Josie a maths class once the littlest Snow-Warren has had her music lesson. Josie is one of the cleverest babies in the nursery, and her family are very proud of her.

I hope you enjoyed seeing the home! I haven't completely finished decorating the caravan yet, and I plan to add some curtains as well as making proper cushions and bedding. I made: the rug, Simon's sword, Sophie's top and the towel in the bathroom. Enjoy!

Fox xx


  1. Lovely family! It was very sweet of Claurence to set up "Sunflower Camp Site after his wife´s favorite flowers.

  2. They have a lovely home and seem like a really nice family!


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